Welcome to to our course weblog for English 230! During the term, all of us will contribute to the ongoing discussion of our readings through both posts and comments here. It's a way to learn a new, quick form of written response, and it allows us to read and comment upon each others' thoughts
quickly and easily.

After the first day of class, everyone will receive an invitation to sign up as a member of this blog, so you can make your own posts. If you have a Google account already, that will be the fastest way to sign up. So, if you do have a Google or Gmail account, please send it to me and I'll add you on that account.
You'll be able to access this blog from Ctools, or directly at this address: http://www.moderncatholicwriters.blogspot.com/. You might want to bookmark this page on your computer.
See the syllabus for more details about blogging requirements. If you have any questions or have any trouble logging on, feel free to contact me!
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